

Coaching for Success - Lisa Duff There is a lot of coaching at the leadership level, but not at the teacher/student level. The Leader's Guide to Coaching in Schools The Art of Coaching - Elena Abuilar Thanks for the Feedback Quiet Leadership - David Rock ** Coaching vs Mentoring Mentoring has great answers for the questions, coaching has great questions for your questions. In Coaching: We never use a 'why' question as it leads to someone being defensive Coaching as a way of being difference between being empathetic vs sympathetic (we need to be empathetic not sympathetic) don't judge At Whakarongo, each teacher is allocated an hour of coaching per CRT time. Coaching is unlocking a person's potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them. Timothy Gallwey Growth Model: Relationships (Building the trust)...

Play Based Learning

Kaimai School

Facilitation Workshop

NAMSA - New Zealand Normal & Model Schools

Our Mission: Leading innovation and best practice as specialist initial teacher educators. Partnerships Teacher Practice Student Teacher Learning Environment Collegiality & Advocacy Summary of 2016/17 See ITE Position Paper - 1. Increased Partnership between ITE providers and NAMSA Schools  2. Developing a Clinical Practice Pathway 3. Multiple Pathways 4. Raising the Status and Professionalism of Teaching 5. Normal and Model Schools leading Quality Practicum across the Sector 6. ITE System Responsiveness Code of Practice We could use this as an assessment tool for CNS My appraisal? Associate Teacher Review - -  "An effective associate teacher is: … a learner who realizes that teaching is about living, theorizing, trying, reflecting, failin...

PAC: Practise Analysis Conversation

Rita Palmer What are the hard things when promoting teacher effectiveness? being honest, yet kind people respecting what you say when people don't respond not wanting people to feel attacked professional message rather than personal Our teachers are teaching the best way they know how.  As leaders, we need to unsurface the pedagogical understanding that each teacher has in order to move them on. How people don't learn: A blow by blow account of what was observed An unfocused, rambling conversation Telling your story rather than analysing what they did 20 questions without reasons Heaping on praise and sandwiching in some critique Insert coloured circles... Practice Analysis Conversation: (a framework for discussion) Why this group at this time? (Often, teachers don't actually know) What is the focus for the lesson? What specific strategies will I observe? What do you expect the effect to be for students? How will I know the lesson has...

Kotahitanga Mentoring/PCT Day 1

Riverdale School We had compliant children, but we wanted kids to get up and get their learning. So much growth when you work together.  The power of working together. Everyone needs an equal voice in collaboration. Belief in the power of 3. About 90 is the maximum... Some power of 2, because 4 is too many. If kids need to move, they can. It takes 50% of your brain power to stay still - Nathan Mikaere-Wallis Often the 3rd teacher is the connector teacher. Two teachers are taking small groups, the third teacher is increasing the level of work of the independent students.  We have behaviours that underpin how we will work together. - License Levels - zone up the expectations - expressions of key competencies - what do these look like at 5, or 7 etc Collaboration vs cooperation Is a checklist the right thing to enable collaboration? The only time you learn is where it is hard - our kids and our staff need to know that! Every space needs some kind of breakout space...

Words Their Way - Chris Braid

Words Their Way Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary and Spelling Instruction - Word Sorts - a systematic, sequenced approach. We want children to have a map of how it all works Layers of the Orthography - the ways words are written down Alphabet Sound Layer (English language - 56% as it sounds - would get correct) Pattern Layer Meaning Layer (Anglo-saxton, greek, latin) WHEN THESE ARE ALL IN PLACE, ENGLISH LANGUAGE BECOMES 97% RELIABLE This programme helps children to map the patterns. These layers relate to progression in reading and writing. Children who write how they speak are stuck in phonological knowledge... Schwa vowel (the vowel that is indiscriminate) - e.g.:  Forage (but we say forige) Emphasis (we loose the a - we don't say - "em - far - sis") Mother Butter Be curious about words! Children need to see a word spelt correctly 40 times before it gets locked in. Every time a child (or adult!) sees a word spelt incorrectl...