NAMSA - New Zealand Normal & Model Schools
Our Mission: Leading innovation and best practice as specialist initial teacher educators.
- Partnerships
- Teacher Practice
- Student Teacher Learning
- Environment
- Collegiality & Advocacy
Summary of 2016/17
See ITE Position Paper -
1. Increased Partnership between ITE providers and NAMSA Schools
2. Developing a Clinical Practice Pathway
3. Multiple Pathways
4. Raising the Status and Professionalism of Teaching
5. Normal and Model Schools leading Quality Practicum across the Sector
6. ITE System Responsiveness
- We could use this as an assessment tool for CNS
- My appraisal?
Associate Teacher Review -
"An effective associate teacher is:
… a learner who realizes that teaching is about living, theorizing, trying,
reflecting, failing, succeeding, conversing, reading, planning, and trying things
out all over again as new groups of students and new knowledge in the field
challenge her to move to uncharted territory time and time again. There are
no perfect cooperating teachers, only perfect conditions that feed the
intellect and spirit of teachers willing to accept the challenge of [working
with] a student teacher (Baum & Korth, 2013, p. 188)."
Conference - September 26, 2018
Initial Teacher Education - What's underway?
Cathy Diggins & Alex Cliffe, Ministry of Education
- We need to avoid what has happened in the past where an increase in students in ITE meant that ANYONE could become a teacher. How can we avoid this, but still increase the number of students training.
- Education Council - Initial Teacher Education 2021
- Teacher Education - there is now a move away from all students having a Masters
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