PAC: Practise Analysis Conversation

Rita Palmer

What are the hard things when promoting teacher effectiveness?

  • being honest, yet kind
  • people respecting what you say
  • when people don't respond
  • not wanting people to feel attacked
  • professional message rather than personal
Our teachers are teaching the best way they know how.  As leaders, we need to unsurface the pedagogical understanding that each teacher has in order to move them on.

How people don't learn:
  • A blow by blow account of what was observed
  • An unfocused, rambling conversation
  • Telling your story rather than analysing what they did
  • 20 questions without reasons
  • Heaping on praise and sandwiching in some critique

Insert coloured circles...

Practice Analysis Conversation: (a framework for discussion)
  • Why this group at this time? (Often, teachers don't actually know)
  • What is the focus for the lesson?
  • What specific strategies will I observe?
  • What do you expect the effect to be for students?
  • How will I know the lesson has been successful?

SO important, that the ownership lies with the teacher and that this is linked to the TAI/LAI.


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