Elevator Pitch

We are due to have our final session with Carol for the year tomorrow.  It is amazing that we are at this time of the year already with another year of PD under our belts.  Lots has changed in the past year, lots of growth has been made.

Carol has asked us to complete an elevator pitch.  To be honest, I had no idea what it even was, but with the help of Nick's blogpost, I think I have it sorted!  So, here goes...

The Coaching Habit
  • My coaching is…
  • I have worked on…
  • I have achieved…
  • My leadership learning relates to…
Um....actually....I think I would rather just talk about something that is on top for me...

The difference between coaching and mentoring.  I knew about this in theory, but in practise, it has been made really clear to me this year.

Image result for mentoring
Mentorship is a relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person. The mentor may be older or younger than the person being mentored, but he or she must have a certain area of expertise.

Coaching - coaching is more about drawing, from the person, what they already know. 
Share example of Massey Teacher vs Teacher 


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