SENCO Meeting
It was my privilege to attend the SENCO meeting at Riverdale School on Mel's behalf today. It was great to meet educators from around the region who I have not met before.
Break Times
Break Times
- Flipping eating times - eating time at end
- Lunch Club - puzzles, Toys, Games, Creative Space - repurposed old Dental Clinic. Teaching Social Skills in a controlled environment.
- Peer Mediators
- Lunch Activities
- Radio Station
- Bikes in Schools and Scooter Park
- Living Above the Line - Riverdale School - Reward system with Pins - unlocks the box of toys in Lunch Club. Game playing has been very successful...
- Uninterrupted Learning Time - no visitors, etc...
- Seniors running sport programmes
- Seniors on duties -
- Creative play - loose parts in shed...Year 3/4 monitors
- Application Form will be consistent across clusters
- 150 students in our cluster in 2018
- Week 5 - emailed to schools
- Week 10, Term 3 - deadline
- Notified in Week 5 of Term 4
- Ensure that you read the guidelines
- Child needs to be...
- Three years or more below chronological age
- Working within Level 1
- Possibly failed ORS
- If the child is receiving other funds, you can still apply for this.
- This is now contestable
- One round of funding per year (possibly)
- 4 terms of funding
- Need to reapply each year for the child
- Not online - email
- Testing needs to be independent RTLB survey - reminder
- The way inquiry is taught
- What it means to explore and reflect
- Two week focus
- Comes from the children's interests - winter, flight, farm animals, dinosaurs, superheroes etc
- Curriculum coverage - planning & assessment riguor
- Key competency focused
- Target children in each session (based on children's needs)
- Teachers need to know the curriculum very well - need to be able to identify the curriculum on the go
- Challenges for children - e.g. how to get the bits out of the ice (smashing on the first day, 2nd day not allowed to smash anymore - what else could we do?)
- Recording curriculum coverage
- Monday - Thursday for whole middle block.
- Reading and maths are happening at the same time as 'explore'
- 3/4 teachers are taking workshops while 1/4 teachers in explore.
- Children move from explore into workshop times.
- Challenges are set up from reading and maths too - e.g. solve a problem for kiwis, design something that can fly (2 challenges - how far and how high can it fly), authentic challenges
- Social and emotional skills have increased
- Roll in home rooms, calendar maths, phonics song, morning routine. Cross group for writing. Big Book. (9:30 - 10:30) Maths workshops (10:30 - 11). Explore. Afternoon - opt-in rich curriculum workshops (Big Balls, visual arts, drama, singing) - one teacher taking maths workshops.
- Monday - intro to the challenges. (Monday is a taster...the rest of the week they become more indepth)
- Mini Learning Stories - children explaining what the learning is.
- Year 2 - more explicitly follow the inquiry cycle
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