I have been thinking a lot about the agency work that we did as part of the Innovation Fund in Poutama. We got to a point where we realised that although the matrix that we had created was useful for us as teachers, it wasn't so useful for students (too wordy). I created a target that I would like to trial and am really pleased that Nic and Brenda want to do this in the seniors. Well, now that I am moving back to the junior school, I am keen to see if it works with juniors. Brenda was kind enough to digitise my idea, which I would love to give to Julian Hardy to get him to make a big 3D one - with the middle circle rotating. This needs to be a topic of conversation at a team meeting - is it junior friendly? Does it fit in with play-based learning? Would something like this work? Do any of the words need changing?
Standard 2: Use inquiry, collaborative problem-solving and professional learning to improve professional capability to impact on the learning and achievement of all leaners. Reflective question: What professional learning have I engaged in and adaptively applied to my practice? Firstly, I would like to focus on the professional learning that has come about through being a Lead Mentor this year for the Masters in Teaching and Learning Programme. This has really enabled me to practise the coaching and mentoring skills that I have learnt over the past several years, primarily with Carol. See my Leadership Inquiry 2017 for further reflections on this. An example of 'collaborative problem-solving' is the approach we took to our challenging learners in the Busy Bees this year. Coming together as a teaching and leadership team to brainstorm possibilities was invaluable. I am SO excited by the direction of RSS and it has been great to be part of the development of that. Our...
Effective Teaching & Learning in a Play-Based School Environment Sarah Aiono & Linda Cheer What is Play? Primarily, play is: self-chosen and self-directed; Children need to have the opportunity to quit. Children need to problem solve themselves. (It grows intrinsic motivation.) process rather than product driven; its about the means rather than the end. We don't have to always 'do' something with the e.g. poem contains structures or rules established by the players themselves; Play vs games or sports imaginative, non-literal and removed from reality; These days, children are faced with reality most of the time. Play allows for imagination/magic to develop. occurs between those who are active, alert and non-stressed. Play/imagination happens in the pre-frontal cortex. If stress is present, the child is not able to be working in the pre-frontal cortex. Play involves higher order thinking. Gray, 2013; Brewer, 2007 Continuum o...
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