JK - P4C and Learning Maps

It has been so refreshing to come back to participating in JK with colleagues from RSS!  It is so much part of our culture where everyone feels valued and an integral part of the process.  What a great opportunity to bring together our shared knowledge and nut out possible solutions to problems.  I really feel as though this has been one of the best JK rounds I've been a part of.

We started by sharing knowledge of P4C (Robin, Suzanne and Rosie) and Inquiry Maps (Fiona).  I really wondered how we were going to merge the two, but merge we sure did.  And how powerful! We used Inquiry Maps to help our students improve their abilities in P4C.

There is HUGE potential for this to infiltrate throughout the school.  This is exciting and we feel as though this could be the next stage to our SLC's.  Rosie, Fiona and Robin will be trialling this at this term's SLC.

I'm looking forward to using Learning Maps in Room 4 next term.


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