Final Appraisal 2017

Standard 2: Use inquiry, collaborative problem-solving and professional learning to improve professional capability to impact on the learning and achievement of all leaners.
    • Reflective question: What professional learning have I engaged in and adaptively applied to my practice?
Firstly, I would like to focus on the professional learning that has come about through being a Lead Mentor this year for the Masters in Teaching and Learning Programme. This has really enabled me to practise the coaching and mentoring skills that I have learnt over the past several years, primarily with Carol. See my Leadership Inquiry 2017 for further reflections on this. 

An example of 'collaborative problem-solving' is the approach we took to our challenging learners in the Busy Bees this year. Coming together as a teaching and leadership team to brainstorm possibilities was invaluable.

I am SO excited by the direction of RSS and it has been great to be part of the development of that. Our leadership/visioning day that we had earlier this term was so invigorating and stimulating! It excites me that all of the work we have done is being pulled together into a future vision. I think that this will have a huge impact on our staff as RSS moves into the future.  

Standard 3: Establish and maintain professional relationships and behaviours focused on the learning and wellbeing of each learner.
    • Reflective question: How have I communicated clear and accurate assessment for learning and achievement information with my learners and whānau?

In a NE classroom, we have such a wonderful opportunity to communicate 'on the go' assessment with whānau. We see so many of our parents on a daily basis and it is a great opportunity to have a chat about the latest assessment/next learning step for their child. Seesaw also allows this fluidity between home and school. For NE children, the learning steps are so clear and concise - I think that it is easy for parents/families to understand and to be able to support learning at home. 

With regard to learners, there are definitely no surprises with 5 year olds! Their inquisitive natures means that they know very clearly what they know how to do and what they don't. It is our job as educators to support and assist the development of the dispositions so that learning continues to occur.


  1. Standard 2: Use inquiry, collaborative problem-solving and professional learning to improve professional capability to impact on the learning and achievement of all learners.
    Reflective question: What professional learning have I engaged in and adaptively applied to my practice?
    Thanks for sharing your reflections. It is a privilege to see how you have used all of the coaching work effectively with the Mentor Students. This is so suited to your skills set and growth through leadership sessions have only enhanced this. You mentioned that it is hard to define what made the difference. With a context such as this it is hard to measure, and with a variety of different approaches it is difficult to know exactly what made the difference. A few initiatives that you started with 1-1 coaching and small group sessions proved invaluable to the mentors. You were able to personalise their development through 1-1 coaching and coach them to work collaboratively to find solutions to challenges through group discussions. They are so lucky to have had this empowering way to grow as professionals. Consider the power of anecdotal record of progress and personal achievements of the group also. Nothing was more evident through the comments made towards the end of their time at RSS and through their final presentations. Well done you! Perfect start to your new role next year.

    Standard 3: Establish and maintain professional relationships and behaviours focused on the learning and wellbeing of each learner.
    Reflective question: How have I communicated clear and accurate assessment for learning and achievement information with my learners and whānau?
    For this question you reflected on your time with your class in the Busy Bees. Having such young learners you are some what privileged to have lots of contact with whanau. Constantly sharing progress and achievement and next learning steps through regular informal catch ups.
    The fact that learning is so visible with 5 year olds and that children at this age make fast gains means there is always something new to share or discuss.
    Seesaw has been another powerful vehicle for you to communicate with whanau.

    It has been an absolute pleasure to share you inquiry reflections with you throughout the year. I have learned a lot from our chats as well and for that I thank you. You have shown great coaching and leadership throughout this inquiry on tip of everything else your role demands. Central Normal is lucky to have you join the team!


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