Exemplary School Visit

Kia ora Nick and Elly,

A massive thank from us all at the Institute of Education for the manaakitanga and expertise shared with the MTchgLn teachers and staff. We learned so much from your presentation, ambassador-guided visits to diverse learning spaces and then student-directed See-Saw conversations. It was breath-taking and humbling to see so much evidence of teachers’ and students’ agency, leadership and creativity that reflects your school’s vision for all learners. From the chooks to cutting edge digital technology we saw the very best in education and we are so privileged to partner with your school. Thank you too for this presentation which we’ll use on Monday to further reflect on our learning with you this morning.

He kura tangata he tanagata kura
We value each other’s scholarship and talents,
and we cherish the importance of collaborative partnerships.

Ngā mihi

Dr Alison Sewell   |  Institute of Education |  
Massey University  |  Private Bag 11222 | Palmerston North | New Zealand 

Yes I agree, and just to reiterate,  I went out for lunch with a group of the students afterwards and they were all so impressed with not only the delivery of the programme and the teaching approaches, but also the kids!  They were so engaged, so focused and so keen to share their learning with us. Very inspiring.  We were all very appreciative of the opportunity to experience the culture at Russell Street School.

Thank you so much
Jasmine Hansen


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