Giftedness - Ten Facts You May Not Know About Gifted Children But Should
The following is a list of facts, traits and issues many would not recognize as a part of giftedness in children. Ten Facts You May Not Know About Gifted Children But Should 1. It is widely acknowledged that giftedness is an inherent attribute. Giftedness is present at birth, an inherited trait. Chances are very high that one or both parents of a gifted child, as well as siblings, are also gifted. Nor does giftedness discriminate against culture, religion, social-economic status. 2. Gifted children do not always excel in school. Being gifted is no guarantee of success in school or later in life. For many various reasons, a gifted child will not always score well on tests, ace every task or turn in their homework. Many gifted children underachieve in school and often drop out. 3. Gifted children can and do have learning disabilities. As with any child, a gifted child may have learning disabilities which can negatively influence their achievement in school. Unfortunate...