Understanding Behaviour: Responding Safely

He moana pukupuku e ekengia e te waka. A choppy sea can be navigated. How to prevent and avoid physical restraints. It is now illegal to 'seclude' a child - somewhere where they can't or think they can't get out. The only legal way (soon) to restrain a child will be if a child has an IPB. You are safe to restrain if there is an imminent danger of physical injury to the student, other students or staff. This is about keeping ourselves and the child safe - physical, emotional, reputational & legal. Laughter - is great as long as it is not at someone else's expense. Module 1: Understanding Behaviour Mā te kōrero, ka mōhio. Mā te mōhio, ka atua. Mā te matau, ka marama. Through discussion comes knowledge. Through knowledge comes learning. Through learning comes understanding. We need to understand the 'why' of behaviour. There are aspects that are evident and visible and some that are obscured and hidden. When we understand the why...