
Showing posts from January, 2017

Sabbatical Proposal

Focus Question: To investigate how a pedagogical focus on developing agency accelerates learning in maths, especially for priority learners. Sub Question: What conditions are required for a community (of learning) to benefit priority learners in this same achievement challenge? Rationale : I am a keen teacher of maths and have recently benefitted from two years of intensive maths development. My own understanding and teaching has recently been strengthened and has changed considerably. I am a senior leader in the school, having participated in several years of leadership coaching. Our current school vision and goals focus on developing agency in learners -this is an area of interest and development for the full sector. Our school is also part of the Palmerston North East Community of Learning, with one of its achievement challenges focused on lifting achievement in maths (traversing years 5-10 in particular). I am well-grounded in pedagogy and am keen to build on this, exp...

Agency in the Junior School

I have been thinking a lot about the agency work that we did as part of the Innovation Fund in Poutama. We got to a point where we realised that although the matrix that we had created was useful for us as teachers, it wasn't so useful for students (too wordy). I created a target that I would like to trial and am really pleased that Nic and Brenda want to do this in the seniors. Well, now that I am moving back to the junior school, I am keen to see if it works with juniors. Brenda was kind enough to digitise my idea, which I would love to give to Julian Hardy to get him to make a big 3D one - with the middle circle rotating.  This needs to be a topic of conversation at a team meeting - is it junior friendly? Does it fit in with play-based learning? Would something like this work? Do any of the words need changing?

A New Start

So, here we are at the beginning of a new year and, for me, a new blog! Please see links below for archived professional development pre 2017. A strange feeling for me this year.  It is the 24th Jan and no school for me so far this year. I have been fortunate enough to be granted a sabbatical for Term 1, so usually when I am knee deep in preparations for the new year, this year I am preparing for a trip to the UK! And instead of thinking about school and teaching, I have time to be thinking big picture - and time to do some reading. Watch this space...

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PTC 01: Professional Relationships, PTC 02: Promoting Well Being; PTC 03: Bicultural Partnership; PTC 04: Professional Learning; PTC 05: Leadership; PTC 06: Learning Programme; PTC 07: Learning Environment;  PTC 08: How Ākonga Learn; PTC 09: Diverse Needs; PTC 10: Bicultural; PTC 11: Assessment; PTC 12: Critical Inquiry; Appraisal, Carol Lynch, Dinah Harvey, Sabbatical

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PTC 01: Professional Relationships, PTC 02: Promoting Well Being; PTC 03: Bicultural Partnership; PTC 04: Professional Learning; PTC 05: Leadership; PTC 06: Learning Programme; PTC 07: Learning Environment;  PTC 08: How Ākonga Learn; PTC 09: Diverse Needs; PTC 10: Bicultural; PTC 11: Assessment; PTC 12: Critical Inquiry; Appraisal, Carol Lynch, Dinah Harvey, Sabbatical


PTC 01: Professional Relationships, PTC 02: Promoting Well Being; PTC 03: Bicultural Partnership; PTC 04: Professional Learning; PTC 05: Leadership; PTC 06: Learning Programme; PTC 07: Learning Environment;  PTC 08: How Ākonga Learn; PTC 09: Diverse Needs; PTC 10: Bicultural; PTC 11: Assessment; PTC 12: Critical Inquiry; Appraisal, Carol Lynch, Dinah Harvey, Sabbatical